Prepare for Knee Replacement Surgery

Knee replacement surgery or sometimes referred to as knee arthroplasty can help you get rid of knee pain and repair damaged knee joints. This process requires cutting the diseased bone and cartilage from the areas causing knee pain. For example, the thighbone, kneecap, and shinbone. Moreover, surgeons will then use a synthetic joint consisting of polymers, metal alloys, and premium plastics to replace them.

Let us tell you that speaking with your doctor is the only method to decide if you need knee replacement surgery or not. First, the orthopedic specialists will thoroughly examine your knees, hips, and other body parts. Then, they’ll determine if you require surgery or not. You can also conduct a local search or visit orthopedics in Coffs Harbour to learn more.

The primary purpose of knee replacement surgery is to treat osteoarthritis-related pain. People needing this operation have difficulty standing up from a chair, walking, and climbing stairs. Meanwhile, some people may also feel pain while they are sleeping.

Ways to prepare for knee surgery

Your doctor and you must discuss this before you decide on receiving knee surgery. However, here is a brief explanation of what to expect before the procedure. Also, we’ll tell you how your doctor could tell you to be ready. That will basically put food and medicine first, then will need you to get ready for recovery.

Before surgery, your doctor can advise you to stop using certain drugs or dietary supplements. Additionally, you’ll probably need to abstain from food after midnight on the day of the procedure. This can vary depending on the surgeon you choose and the operation you’ll have. So, pay attention to what they’re telling you to do.

How will you prepare for recovery?

The debate about recovery will typically go longer than the planning for the operation. Preparing for surgery is straightforward. However, its recovery process will need you to put in a lot of effort. Since your knee needs to heal properly, it’s crucial that you pay attention to what your doctor advises you to expect from the healing process.

You will also have to make arrangements in advance for crutches or a walker. They are going to be a very important part of your life for a few weeks after the procedure. Additionally, you should make sure that someone is available to take you home after the surgery and help you with your daily activities.

It is assumable that simple duties like cooking, laundry, and cleaning will be exceedingly challenging after the surgery. So, we would like to suggest that you either hire a caregiver until you recover fully or ask a member of your family to temporarily move in with you.

Besides, make sure that your living area is all on the same floor. Another thing to remember is that you shouldn’t be walking upstairs. Make sure there are no loose handrails, rugs, or other anything that could cause you to trip. Moreover, make sure to have a cushioned, firm chair with you when you’re relaxing, while another chair that can help you raise your leg.

Additionally, you will need to be very careful during showers. Make sure the shower or bath has railings so you can enter and exit with ease. Get a sturdy chair to place in your walk-in shower if you have one so you can comfortably take a bath while sitting down. After the procedure, it is important that you look after yourself in these ways.


Besides improving mobility and general life quality, knee replacement surgery relieves pain. A key benefit of knee replacements is that they often last for many years. You will be able to resume your normal activities three to six weeks after the surgery. However, do not practice anything too strenuous.

If you can bend your knee enough to sit down, have enough muscular control, and are not taking narcotic painkillers, you should be ready to drive after about three weeks. Moreover, following your rehabilitation, you can partake in low-impact sports. For example, biking, golfing, swimming, and walking. However, you should stay away from high-impact exercises.

On the other hand, you must discuss this with your doctor if you want to start doing some of the things you used to enjoy again. For further information, look into knee replacement in Coffs Harbour. But, it’s crucial that you speak with your doctor about anything about the procedure and your recovery.

Final word

It is important to discuss your concerns with your doctor. Whether you are simply unclear about if this surgery is the best option or you have some anxieties, talking is the best way possible to wash off your doubts. You can also arrange a consultation to discuss the procedure, what to expect, how to compare, or just to inquire about anything that might be of interest to you.