Everything You Need To Know About Mastopexy

Mastopexy also referred to as breast lift surgery is a surgical operation that changes the form of your breasts. It is often done during pregnancy or a quick weight loss, which frequently causes breasts to sag. This technique is highly popular. Moreover, it is often combined with other surgeries like breast augmentation.

Talk to your doctor

Every effective plastic surgery or cosmetic operation begins with an open consultation with your doctor. Besides, since everyone’s outcomes will differ, only a specialist can provide you with more information about what to expect. You can also look for plastic surgery in London. Alternatively, you can find one nearby if you’re interested in setting up an appointment.

About the surgery

Your plastic surgeon will change the form of your breasts during a breast lift procedure. The doctors will remove the breasts’ extra skin and fat during this surgery. Additionally, they will reshape the breast tissue to lift your breasts.

Why is the operation performed?

The breasts’ volume, size, and form fluctuate as women age. As they grow much less elastic, the breasts often lose the youthful firmness that they once had. This prevents the skin from snapping back into place. Moreover, sagginess is a condition that can affect both men and women at different ages and for a variety of reasons.

✔️ Pregnancy 

The tissue bands that support the breasts can become stretched during pregnancy. This causes the breasts to enlarge and grow heavier. So, whether or not you want to breastfeed your child, stretching might lead to sagginess after the pregnancy.

✔️ Change in weight

If you drop a lot of weight fast, you can see sagging skin in general. Besides, it can also affect the skin’s elasticity.

✔️ Gravity 

It is one of the most frequent causes of sagging breasts. So, it is typical to expect that your breasts can sag and stretch as you age.

With mastopexy, your plastic surgeon can reposition your nipples and reshape the form of your breasts. Meanwhile, it also helps reduce sagging with breast lift surgery. In addition to lifting the areolae, the procedure can also change their size so that it is proportional to the size of your new breasts.

When to think about having surgery?
  • Your breasts have become flatter and longer, losing their fullness and form.

  • The nipples and areolae point down.

  • If the breasts are not supported, your nipples will droop beneath the breast creases. You have a saggier breasts than the other.

  • Your areolae are out of proportion with your breasts due to stretching.

  • Simply put, you’re not satisfied with the way your breasts look overall.

Moreover, remember that not everyone is a candidate for a breast lift. This is why you should speak with a specialist. They can advise you of your eligibility for the operation as well as provide you with additional information about it.

Pregnancy could nullify the effects. Therefore, you might wish to put off the surgery if you intend to become pregnant in the future. Another good reason to postpone surgery is nursing. It can occasionally be challenging to do so after surgery due to milk production.

Breasts of any size can undergo breast lift surgery. However, the results are frequently more long-lasting in patients with smaller breasts. Moreover, there is a possibility that larger breasts will sag once more because they are heavier. But everything varies from person to person.

Be mindful of the risks

Regardless of how small the procedure may be, it’s crucial that you are aware of any potential risks. There are several risks of breast lifts that you should be aware of. Your doctor will discuss these things with you later.

  • Scarring

  • Uneven breast size or shape

  • Changes in the breasts’ or nipples’ sensation

  • The disappearance of the areolae or nipples entirely or in part

  • Breastfeeding issues
Breast augmentation without implants

Although adding implants to a breast lift is common, this does not always have to be the case for you. You won’t need breast implants since a skilled surgeon can keep the volume of your breasts during the lift. For additional details, look at the price of a breast lift without implants.


For people who are unhappy with the way their breasts look, breast lift surgery is ideal. So, make an appointment with your doctor and discuss your insecurities if you wish to have them lifted or changed in size.