Growing Auto-Flowering Cannabis Strains Outdoors

Many people didn’t take cannabis auto-flowering strains seriously a few years ago. They weren’t so amazing to people. Moreover, they couldn’t compete with the potency of photoperiod strains. However, consumer demand necessitates additional investigation. Breeders developed current auto-flowering strains that are more potent, provide better yields, and have intense fragrances. They achieved it by cross-breeding cannabis Ruderalis with Indica and Sativa dominants. Even some of these strains outperform photoperiod strains in terms of potency.

So, when you follow the appropriate techniques, growing auto-flowering cannabis becomes easy. Planting and seeing them grow outdoors can be interesting and gratifying. They grow quickly and blossom automatically after a set amount of time. Also, they are more resistant to weather extremes. They can also fit almost anywhere because they are compact and do not grow as tall as photoperiod strains. It allows you to cultivate cannabis discreetly. As a result, more producers are using the distinct growth properties of auto-flowering strains. And this way, they generate high-quality buds.

Tips for growing auto-flowering cannabis outdoors

Although many people prefer to grow them indoors, you can get the most out of them by utilizing nature. Therefore, here are some of the best tips for cultivating cannabis auto-flowers outside.

#1. Make a cultivation plan

The wonderful thing about auto-flowering cannabis strains from the US is that they grow quickly. So, you can even harvest your buds 8 weeks following seedling germination. Quick growth is advantageous. However, it also implies that they are less forgiving of cultivation errors. Due to their short development period, you don’t have as much time to fix mistakes as you would with photoperiod strains. However, you can extend the vegetative period. Any error, such as overwatering, that occurs during the brief lifespan of the plant can result in minimal yields.

So, to avoid mistakes, carefully plan your cultivation. This way, your auto-flowers will flourish to their utmost potential. Start by considering the viability of your site. Do you plan to plant the seed in a container or in a garden bed? How is the weather? Will the plants receive enough light? Which nutrients are you going to use?

When selecting your strain, you must have answers to such queries. Choose more cold-resistant strains. For example, if you live in an exceptionally cold area, pick strains that can resist cold. It’ll help you to avoid tragedy and enhance your cannabis growth.

#2. When should you plant?

While photoperiod strains rely on natural daylight hours to grow in their blooming phases, auto-flowers flower regardless of daylight cycles. That means you can sow auto-flowering seeds at any time of year. However, Cannabis auto-flowering plants develop best when they have at least 10-12 hours of direct sunlight.

So, it is better to plant auto-flower seeds in the spring, between late April and early May, when the days are longer. This means that you can harvest in June and then restart cultivation in early August to harvest in October. However, if you live in a somewhat warmer region with no frost, you can harvest up to four times per year.

On the other hand, if you live in the north, you should avoid the coldest and rainiest months of the year. Rather, you can sow your seeds in the spring when there is no frost. Remember that the summers are brief. So don’t plant too late to avoid blossoming your plants during the rainy season. If you live in a rainy climate, you can plant in June and harvest in August. As a result, cold will not affect your buds, and you’ll be able to avoid molds.

Thus, before you plant your auto-flower seeds, you need to examine your climate. Planting should be timed such that the plants receive plenty of sunlight while avoiding frost and rain.

#3. Improve the soil for maximum nutrient absorption

Auto-flowering strains use fewer nutrients than photoperiod strains. However, you should still make sure they have enough nutrients during their growth period. Since the soil in your outdoor area can be deficient, you may need to supplement it with compost. Moreover, you can fill it with worm castings and other organic fertilizers. So, before planting your seedlings, make sure to drill some holes and fill them with organic material.

#4. Getting your auto-flowering seeds to germinate

Giving your auto-flowering seedlings a solid start in life is the greatest way to assure their success. To avoid transplant shock, which can hamper growth, it is advisable to place the seeds in their final container. Also, remember that auto-flowering plants do not have enough time to recuperate, so avoid any shocks. Therefore, from germination until harvest, use a large pot or sow the seeds directly in the garden bed.

#5. Watering and nutrition supplementation

Auto-flowers do not develop as large as photoperiod strains. Therefore, they need less watering while still achieving maximum growth. However, both overwatering and underwatering are undesirable. So, allow enough time between waterings to make the topsoil dry to avoid water logging the roots. If water logs, it can lead to rot or mold growth. Also, when it comes to nutrients, be cautious not to overfeed the plants.

Use only the minimum indicated dose and see how the plants respond. Furthermore, when you amend the soil with the proper substrate, your auto-flower plants will have all they need to grow to their full potential.

#6. Taking care of your buds

Some auto-flowers can be harvested within 60 days of germination. It depends on the type. So, when the pistils on the buds are white, you know it’s time to harvest, much like with photoperiod strains. The buds are ready for harvest when they begin to turn brown to orange. However, you must also study the trichomes on the flower to determine the best time to harvest.

You can examine the trichomes with a magnifying glass. They are clear during early flowering but turn foggy or milky white when it is time to harvest. Some growers harvest when the trichomes begin to turn amber.


With this guide, you can look forward to easily growing your auto-flowering cannabis seeds for optimal harvests. Make sure to put the plants at the ideal time of day when they will receive the most sunlight. Moreover, regularly monitor them to avoid any cultivation blunders that would reduce harvests.