8 Vasectomy Myths You Should Be Aware Of

You have probably given the vasectomy some thought if you’re looking for the greatest birth control option.

A vasectomy is a quick procedure meant to stop unintended pregnancies. It accomplishes this by preventing sperm from entering the semen. The sperm must leave the body for a woman to get pregnant. However, there are many myths about what a vasectomy entails. In fact, this procedure is often extremely safe and there’s nothing to worry about.

Busting the most common vasectomy myths

None of the myths about vasectomy that you might often hear are true. Thus, in this article, we’ll debunk the most prevalent ones. Besides, you can also learn more about this procedure by discussing it with a doctor and what to expect from it. So, check out the vasectomy Sydney, or look for a nearby clinic and make an appointment there.

#1. Vasectomy is invasive

Many people believe that having a vasectomy is invasive and challenging. However, nothing could be further from the truth. This fallacy is a result of the fact that the vasectomy procedure needs to make an incision on both sides of the scrotum. However, the microscopic cut formed is so small that it occasionally heals by itself. Not to mention that it takes roughly 15 minutes to complete the treatment.

#2. Vasectomy surgery hurts a lot

Another prevalent myth is that having a vasectomy is a very painful procedure. Moreover, this results from the incisions that the doctor will make in your scrotum. However, you might find it surprising that the vasectomy procedure hurts hardly at all.

The treatment will feel like a minor pinch and your doctor will numb the scrotum with a tiny needle. There may be some pressure or tugging feelings. However, that’s about all. You will feel some pain following the procedure. But you can manage it by taking painkillers and applying ice to your scrotum.

#3. Recovery is challenging

Adding to the aforementioned myth, vasectomy has a quick recovery time. You should prepare to spend two to three days at home before going back to work. However, you should obviously avoid physically demanding jobs.

#4. It will affect your sex drive

Another common misunderstanding is that having a vasectomy will make you less sexually active. On the other hand, a vasectomy will only result in the sterility of your semen. It won’t affect your desire, performance, or ability to get an erection. And this is because your testosterone levels won’t change.

#5. You can engage in unprotected sex immediately

Since your semen still contains traces of sperm, you shouldn’t engage in unprotected sex with your partner even after you recover. This indicates that even after a vasectomy, your semen can still result in a pregnancy. However, things will clear up after a while. Then you won’t have to worry about unintended pregnancies.

#6. There is a higher risk of getting prostate cancer

Many men think that getting a vasectomy will raise their risk of developing prostate cancer. On the other hand, vasectomy and prostate are not connected. There is no concrete evidence, except a few studies’ best efforts, that a vasectomy will cause prostate cancer.

#7. It is possible to undo a vasectomy

Make sure you don’t want to have children in the future before deciding to undergo a vasectomy procedure. The vasectomy can be reversed if anything happens that makes you decide you want to start a family. However, the reversal operation is exceedingly pricey.

#8. A vasectomy isn’t that effective for birth control

Most people tend to think that taking birth control or a condom is more effective than getting a vasectomy. However, having a vasectomy is far safer. Moreover, it’s a more effective choice than taking birth control pills if you want a permanent birth control strategy. In fact, vasectomies have a 99.85% success rate.

Consult your physician

Many of the myths surrounding vasectomy build around false information available online. So, schedule a consultation with your doctor and ask them about the operation. Besides, ask what to expect or anything else that might interest you rather than blindly believing every article you find. Look into the vasectomy in Blacktown, or try looking for a nearby medical professional.

Final word

You can see that the vasectomy procedure is not as frightening as some people portray it to be. This relatively easy surgery aims to stop future unintended pregnancies. So, if you know you won’t want children in the future, think about having a vasectomy. However, before you decide to move forward with this decision, discuss it with your significant other.